Camping with Squish and Squeeze (Paperback)
作者: Mike Brownlow 
書城編號: 27716649

原價: HK$80.00
現售: HK$76 節省: HK$4

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出版社: Picture Window Books
出版日期: 2024/03/01
重量: 0.07 kg
ISBN: 9780756583743

Jack is thrilled to bring his fun-loving dogs, Squish and Squeeze, on the family camping trip. From swimming in the lake to going for a hike, their day is filled with outdoor adventures. But will the fun come to an end when a storm approaches at bedtime? Stairway Decodables is a supplemental phonics resource that's perfect for supporting small group instruction, independent reading, or reading practice at home. This title provides practice in decoding words with the trigraphs squ and tch.
Mike Brownlow 作者作品表

Ten Little Pumpkins Board Book: The perfect picture book for Halloween (Board book)

Ten Little Fairies (Paperback)

Five Little Monkeys: Lift-the-Flap (Board book)

Five Little Pirates: Lift-the-Flap (Board book)

Ten Little Dinosaurs (Hardcover)

Ten Little Princesses (Hardcover)

Ten Little Pumpkins (Paperback)

Training Squish and Squeeze (Hardcover)

Camping with Squish and Squeeze (Hardcover)

Five Little Princesses: A Felt Flaps Book (Board book)

Five Little Dinosaurs: A Felt Flaps Book (Board book)

Ten Little Bugs Board Book (Board book)

Training Squish and Squeeze (Paperback)

Camping with Squish and Squeeze (Paperback)

Ten Little Penguins Board Book (Board book)

Ten Little Bugs (Paperback)

Ten Little Pirates 10th Anniversary Edition (Paperback)

Ten Little Penguins (Paperback)

Ten Little Unicorns Board Book (Board book)

Ten Little Unicorns (Paperback)

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