Untitled SW (Paperback)
作者: To Be Confirmed Atria 
分類: Mind, Body, Spirit: thought & practice  
書城編號: 27716968

原價: HK$220.00
現售: HK$209 節省: HK$11

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出版社: Atria
出版日期: 2024/04/16
重量: 0.29 kg
ISBN: 9781668069189

Join more than a million readers around the world in this journey to self-discovery, healing, and inner transformation--new, expanded edition with added tips and exercises curated by therapists!

Are you ready to transcend your shadows and journey toward deeper self-awareness and inner peace?

The first step is to confront the shadows that have been holding you back for years.

The Shadow Work Journal, a smash hit on TikTok, is an empowering and compassionate tool to help you face and overcome the obstacles and limiting self-beliefs that are holding you back from achieving your true potential.

Based on highly effective therapeutic practices, this interactive journal guides you on an exploration through the hidden aspects of your psyche, to help you confront and embrace your shadow self. Whether you're struggling with anxiety, depression, loneliness, or confusion, you'll find plenty of tools to help you here. Using insightful prompts, thought-provoking exercises, and reflections, you'll discover a path to develop greater self-awareness, cultivate self-love and acceptance, and find a deeper connection with your authentic self.

Join the millions of people whose lives have been transformed through The Shadow Work Journal and experience the healing you deserve.

Benefits of Shadow Work:

-Strengthen friendships, relationships, and everyday interactions with others
-Heal generational trauma
-Become "un-stuck"
-Set personal boundaries
-Build compassion for yourself and those around you
-Process the world around you with clarity and insight

To Be Confirmed Atria 作者作品表

Untitled IMC (Hardcover)

Untitled Eb: A Thriller (Hardcover)

Untitled TM (Hardcover)

Untitled Ew (Paperback)

Untitled Mi (Hardcover)

Untitled SS (Hardcover)

Untitled SS (Compact Disc)

Untitled SE: A Novel (Hardcover)

Untitled DB (Hardcover)

Untitled DB (Compact Disc)

Untitled EA (Paperback)

Untitled Eb: A Thriller (Compact Disc)

Untitled Eb: A Thriller (Hardcover)

Untitled Lgj (Paperback)

Untitled MC (Hardcover)

Untitled SC (Hardcover)

Untitled Rl (Hardcover)

Untitled SW (Paperback)

Untitled PC (Paperback)

Untitled KW (Hardcover)

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