Readerful Books for Sharing: Year 1/Primary 2: The Sea's Song: Poems to Share (Paperback)
作者: Catherine Baker 
系列: Readerful Books for Sharing
分類: Children's, Teenage & educational ,
Educational: English language: readers & reading schemes  
書城編號: 27717892

原價: HK$119.00
現售: HK$113.05 節省: HK$5.95

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出版社: Oxford University Press
出版日期: 2024/01/22
頁數: 24
尺寸: 305 x 240 x 1 mm
重量: 148 grams
ISBN: 9781382040655

This beautifully illustrated poetry anthology has been designed for sharing aloud. The engaging poems have been specially selected to encourage discussion. Some of the themes include nature, the sea and imagination. Readerful is designed to motivate children to read more. This Book for Sharing is for a teacher to read aloud to pupils in Year 1/P2.
Readerful Books for Sharing

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Readerful Books for Sharing: Year 6/Primary 7: Bessie Sings the Blues (Paperback)

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Readerful Books for Sharing: Year 5/Primary 6: The Great Untamed: Poems to Share (Paperback)

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Readerful Books for Sharing: Year 4/Primary 5: There and Back Again (Paperback)

Readerful Books for Sharing: Year 4/Primary 5: Through a Dog's Eyes (Paperback)

Readerful Books for Sharing: Year 4/Primary 5: Forgetting How to Fall: Poems to Share (Paperback)

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Readerful Books for Sharing: Year 4/Primary 5: Codemakers, Codebreakers (Paperback)

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Catherine Baker 作者作品表

Letters and Sounds Phase 3 Teaching Resource Pack (Paperback)

Essential Letters and Sounds: Essential Phonic Readers: Oxford Reading Level 7: Arthur's Pet Disaster (Paperback)

Essential Letters and Sounds: Essential Phonic Readers: Oxford Reading Level 5: Rock, Cloth or Custard? (Paperback)

Essential Letters and Sounds: Essential Phonic Readers: Oxford Reading Level 5: Teagan at the Playground (Paperback)

Readerful Books for Sharing: Year 5/Primary 6: The Great Untamed: Poems to Share (Paperback)

Readerful Books for Sharing: Year 6/Primary 7: Wings Wide Open: Poems to Share (Paperback)

Readerful Books for Sharing: Year 4/Primary 5: Forgetting How to Fall: Poems to Share (Paperback)

Readerful Books for Sharing: Year 3/Primary 4: Rising into Sunlight: Poems to Share (Paperback)

Summer Carnival: Foundations for Phonics (Paperback)

Humpty Dumpty: Foundations for Phonics (Paperback)

Where is Little Softy?: Foundations for Phonics (Paperback)

Lunchtime!: Foundations for Phonics (Paperback)

Readerful Books for Sharing: Year 2/Primary 3: Moonlight Shine: Poems to Share (Paperback)

Readerful Books for Sharing: Year 1/Primary 2: The Sea's Song: Poems to Share (Paperback)

Tap a Pan (Set 1) Matched to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised (Paperback)

In the Tin (Set 1) Matched to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised (Paperback)

eBook: Gemstones of the Heart (DRM EPUB)

Gemstones of the Heart (Paperback)

Essential Letters and Sounds: Essential Phonic Readers: Oxford Reading Level 3: Malik and the Owl Cup (1) (Paperback)

Essential Letters and Sounds: Essential Phonic Readers: Oxford Reading Level 3: Rabbit in the Well (1) (Paperback)

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