Craft Vodka Recipes Handbook: A Complete Homemade Vodka Distilling Guide: Flavored Vodka, Infused Spirits, Pure Water, Vodka Trends, DIY Vodka Produ (
作者: David Smith 
書城編號: 27724239

售價: $110.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Independently Published
出版日期: 2023/12/24
重量: 0.14 kg
ISBN: 9798872814412

Distill your own vodka and experience the satisfaction of crafting a spirit that's as smooth, pure, and delicious as anything you'll find on store shelves. This comprehensive handbook is your one-stop guide to home vodka making, leading you through every step of the process from grain selection to bottling and beyond.

Inside, you'll discover:

  • The fundamentals of vodka distillation: Explore the science behind vodka production, understand the equipment you'll need, and master essential techniques like fermentation, filtration, and purification.
  • A deep dive into grains: Learn about the different grains used to make vodka, from traditional wheat and rye to unique options like corn, potatoes, and even grapes. Discover how each grain imparts its own subtle flavor profile to the finished spirit.
  • Recipes for every palate: Experiment with a variety of classic and contemporary vodka recipes, including flavored vodkas infused with botanicals, fruits, and spices.
  • Troubleshooting tips and tricks: Avoid common pitfalls and ensure your vodka turns out crystal-clear and delicious every time.
  • Beyond the basics: Elevate your craft with advanced techniques like barrel aging and charcoal filtering.

More than just a recipe book, this handbook is a passionate exploration of the world of vodka making. With its engaging writing style, detailed instructions, and inspiring recipes, you'll be well on your way to crafting vodkas that rival the best commercial brands.

Whether you're a seasoned distiller or a curious newcomer, Craft Your Way to Vodka Perfection is your essential guide to home vodka making.

Order your copy today and start crafting your own spirits!

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