Hart & Souls (Hardcover)
作者: Lisa Schmid 
書城編號: 27730421

原價: HK$230.00
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出版社: Andrews & Mcmeel
出版日期: 2024/07/23
重量: 0.55 kg
ISBN: 9781524884406

After getting bullied at Figueroa Elementary, Stix Hart wants nothing more than to fly below the radar at middle school. He's heard all the horror stories, but none involved ghosts.

On Stix's first day of sixth grade, his anxiety is off the charts. It doesn't help when he spots a kid who reminds him of his old bully, Xander Mack. Soon after, he encounters two other students who take a keen interest in him. He quickly learns the spooky truth--the trio are lost souls in need of a solid. When the ghosts tell him they've been stuck in middle school for decades, it's up to Stix to figure out how to help these not-so-normal new friends.

Solving this paranormal predicament will take some serious sleuthing and tremendous bravery. Can Stix solve this mystery and help these spirits move on before it's too late?

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