Cozy Gaming (Hardcover)
書城編號: 27734720

原價: HK$130.00
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出版社: Welbeck Childrens Books
出版日期: 2024/10/29
重量: 0.25 kg
ISBN: 9781804536803

It's time to put your snuggle top on, cuddle your squishies, and find out all about the coziest games around! Cozy games include fun, de-stressing, cute and calm games like Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Disney Dreamlight Valley, Oxenfree and many more. This book gives you everything you need to focus on diving into the carefree world of cozy gaming, with reviews of the best titles and previews of soon-to-be-released games too. No matter how you game- on consoles, online or on mobile devices-there's something here for you. As well as info on the best games to play, this book is also full of ways to cozy-fy your life-including tips for making your bedroom super snuggly, the cutest squishies and plushies, and the ultimate accessories for all-important self-care. You'll discover how to customise your current room to turn it into a den of relaxation, how to find an aesthetic that works for you, and how to choose your ultimate cozy lifestyle. It's everything you need for your perfect cozy life!
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