Harvest: Traditional 1800s Recipes (Paperback)
作者: Joshua Thomas 
書城編號: 27735185

售價: $150.00

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出版社: Independently Published
出版日期: 2023/01/16
重量: 0.4 kg
ISBN: 9798374017014

Harvest: Traditional 1800s Recipes is a cookbook that takes you back in time to the days of the American Frontier. Written by Joshua Thomas, a lover of food and traditional cooking methods, this book explores the rich history of American cuisine during the 1800s. With a focus on simple, whole ingredients and traditional cooking techniques, this cookbook offers a unique perspective on the food of the American heartland. From open-fire cooking and Dutch oven recipes to pies, breads, and desserts, this cookbook has something for everyone. Each recipe is accompanied by a brief history and stories of the time period, making it a perfect addition to any history buff's collection. Immerse yourself in the rich culture and flavors of the American frontier with Harvest: Traditional 1800s Recipes.
Joshua Thomas 作者作品表

Operational Research for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Environments (Hardcover)

Operational Research for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Environments (Paperback)

Edgware Through Time (Paperback)

eBook: Edgware Through Time (DRM EPUB)

Harvest: Traditional 1800s Recipes (Paperback)

eBook: Good Psych - Bad Psych: & How to Tell the Difference (DRM EPUB)

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