Fig Willow: A collection of Fairy Tales Book 8 (Paperback)
作者: Rebecca Wheeler 
書城編號: 27736049

售價: $70.00

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出版社: Independently Published
出版日期: 2023/04/29
重量: 0.2 kg
ISBN: 9798387978395

Fig Willow is a cozy fae village located within the boundaries of the enchanted land of Fairywick.
This book is about a female Architect from the Victorian time, that appears in Fig Willow at the Bramble house. The Brambles make great discoveries when they find the buildings/structures that she built back in the day with proof that she designed them.
Fairywick stretches from the coastal waters of the city of Aquarius across hills, lakes, and valleys and ends at the boundary of the Wickie Woods forest.
Fairywick is enchanted and is invisible to human eyes. There are many types of fae that live within its borders and they, for the most part, live harmoniously.
There are many mysteries, discoveries, and adventures here. All you have to do is put on your "looking glasses" to find them.
Join the young fae as they learn their lessons, embrace their friendships and work together for the common good.
The young fae go to school at the Fig Willow Academy and are currently learning how to use their magic wands, create potions, cast spells, and to work within the community to help each other.
Rebecca Wheeler 作者作品表

My First Book of Wicca: Natural Magic (Paperback)

When Mama Grows with Me (Hardcover)

My First Lammas: A Fig Willow Mini Series (Paperback)

My First Beltane: A Fig Willow Mini Series (Paperback)

My First Litha, Summer Solstice: A Fig Willow Mini Series (Paperback)

My First Imbolc: A Fig Willow Mini Series (Paperback)

Fig Willow: a collection of Christmas Tales (Paperback)

Fig Willow: a collection of Fairy Tales #13 (Paperback)

My First Samhain: A Fig Willow Mini Series (Paperback)

Fig Willow: A collection of Fairy Tales #12 (Paperback)

Fig Williow: A collection of Fairy Tales #11 (Paperback)

Fig Willow: a collection of Fairy Tales #10 (Paperback)

Fig Willow: A collection of Fairy Tales Book 9 (Paperback)

Fig Willow: A collection of Fairy Tales Book 8 (Paperback)

Fig Willow: A collection of Fairy Tales Book 7 (Paperback)

Fig Willow: A collection of Fairy Tales Book 6 (Paperback)

Fig Willow: A collection of Fairy Tales #2 (Paperback)

Fig Willow: A collection of Fairy Tales #3 (Paperback)

Fig Willow: A collection of Fairy Tales #5 Fall Holidays (Paperback)

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