The Stompysaurus (Paperback)
作者: Rachel Bright 
書城編號: 27741190

原價: HK$90.00
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出版社: Scholastic
出版日期: 2024/08/06
重量: 0.18 kg
ISBN: 9781339006963

A reassuring tale about coping with overwhelming feelings of frustration, from Rachel Bright and Chris Chatterton, creators of the bestselling The Worrysaurus and The Hugasaurus!

One morning, Stompysaurus wakes from a happy dream, feeling excited for the new day, until things start to go a bit wrong. His brother's being a tease, his breakfast isn't his usual favorite and NOTHING is going right. His STOMPS and ROARS start rising inside him until they EXPLODE! But a tricky start doesn't have to mean a stompy finish. Can Stompysaurus find a new way of looking at things and turn his day around?

The perfect picture book to help children learn to overcome feelings of anger and annoyance when it seems like everything is going wrong. From the author of the bestselling The Lion Inside and Love Monster, and talented illustrator, Chris Chatterton.

Rachel Bright 作者作品表

The Hideysaurus (Paperback)

The Speedysaurus (Paperback)

The Hideysaurus (Hardcover)

The Camel Who Had The Hump (Paperback)

The Camel Who Had The Hump (Hardcover)

The Chattysaurus (Paperback)

The Stompysaurus (Paperback)

Peter Rabbit: Up and Away: inspired by Beatrix Potter's iconic character (Paperback)

Les Pandas Qui Ont Fait Une Promesse (Paperback)

Le Dino Persévérant (Paperback)

The Gecko and the Echo Board Book (Board book)

Geco a'r Eco, Y / Gecko and the Echo, The (Bilingual ed) (Paperback)

The Stompysaurus Board Book (Board book)

Snail in Space (Hardcover)

Snail in Space (Hardcover)

Snail in Space (Paperback)

Le Dino Furieux (Paperback)

Le Gecko Qui Chantait Trop Haut (Paperback)

Peter Rabbit: Head Over Tail (Board book)

The Gecko and the Echo (Paperback)

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