Sweet, Sour, Bitter, Salt: The Story of a Hopeful Romantic (Paperback)
作者: Brandon Christopher 
書城編號: 27751168

售價: $160.00

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出版社: Independently Published
出版日期: 2021/07/19
重量: 0.38 kg
ISBN: 9798876509901

Adam Gellar, a gay twenty-three-year-old boy next door went from being the apple of his mother's eye one day, to being a fly in her Chardonnay the next. But why? The answer may rest with his father, whose secret life was buried with him.

Unable to live a lie, Adam needed to make a choice -live for himself or live for somebody else.

He is befriended by a guide who introduces him to a whole new world. Little does Adam know that this world of glamour and illusion is also fraught with danger.

Accompany Adam as he enters the unknown, as he comes go terms with the truth hidden in plain sight - all the while searching for his one true love.

Brandon Christopher 作者作品表

Sweet, Sour, Bitter, Salt: The Story of a Hopeful Romantic (Paperback)

Catawampus: Selected Stories (Paperback)

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