A Discussion of Howard Hill and the Longbow (Paperback)
作者: John Lee 
書城編號: 27752383

售價: $199.00

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出版社: Lulu Pr
出版日期: 2023/09/01
重量: 0.26 kg
ISBN: 9781312167636

The "King of Archery," "The World's Greatest Archer," "One-Shot," all names referring to Howard Hill -the champion of the longbow. No matter the title, Howard Hill was legendary, and his success led to the promotion of traditional archery and a surge of interest in the American Semi-Longbow. Howard Hill viewed the longbow as the most perfect hunting weapon. His modification of the English longbow to suit his needs, became the American Semi-Longbow. The American Semi-Longbow is synonymous with a Hill-style longbow -the bow that led him in his success. Today there are many versions of the American Semi-Longbow. In a quest to find the features that Howard Hill demanded in his own bows, a weapon that he perfected, was the impetus of this study. We can identify his standards by how his bows were built, what he insisted on in his own line of bows offered to the public, and what he taught to the bowyers employed by him. By examining Howard's original bows and following the progression of design until he perfected this weapon, we understand the qualities necessary in a Hill-style longbow. If you would like to know more about the equipment and the bow that led to his success, then you will enjoy this book. Metadata may include Howard Hill, John Schulz, Traditional Archery, Bamboo Bows, Stick Bows, Self Bows, ASL, Hill-Style Longbow, Archery Hunting, Archery History in America, Hunting with the Bow and Arrow, and Hunting the Hard Way.
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