Let's talk about The Big Day: Ready or Not? A book to teach Boys and Girls about Sex (Paperback)
作者: Alex White 
書城編號: 27764067

售價: $150.00

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出版社: Bookbaby
出版日期: 2024/01/29
重量: 0.19 kg
ISBN: 9789998798502


Let's talk about The Big Day-Ready or Not?

Teens in today's world face a multitude of challenges in the way of social media, peer pressure, and academic expectations. Their bodies are changing, their minds are bombarded, and their hormones are racing until everything crashes and the tears start rolling uncontrollably.

Maybe you're a teen and this all sounds too familiar. Perhaps you're a parent, and this rings true of your child. Be assured, in either case, that there is hope: hope to help children whose bodies are quickly becoming adults, and hope for the teens actively going through it. You'll make it through with the advice and information provided in this book.

Most of the advice included is directed at teens, but as a parent, you will benefit from reading this book, too. It will help you gain perspective about what your child is going through. The "you" in most instances addresses the teen unless otherwise stated. Teens, you don't have to do any of this alone. The information in this book will guide you through one of the most exciting and equally stressful times of transition in your life. You're becoming an adult before the numbers in your age are able to keep up, and your parents just don't understand. Maybe your friends are reliable, but honestly, they're just going through the same tumultuous transition into adulthood, too. And no one seems to have the answers.

We're here to give you all the answers.


  • Let's Talk About Sex
  • Safer Sex
  • Before the Big Day
  • The Main Event
  • Afterglow or Aftermath?
  • Burning Questions
  • Socially Awkward?
  • ...and much more...

Order now, and by the end of the book, I'm sure you'll be ready for the big day.

About the Author

Alex White is a low profile author, who doesn't really like exposing themselves on social media. He has made it his life's mission to focus on the problems of adolescents, such as puberty and relationships, and provides insightful solutions on how they can overcome and conquer these challenges. Having experienced challenges of his own throughout his adolescent years, he came to realize what a lonely and tough journey it is without a helping hand or the wisdom of an adult to guide you.

Alex White 作者作品表

Ardent Violet and the Infinite Eye (Paperback)


Whiskers (Paperback)

Let's talk about The Big Day: Ready or Not? A book to teach Boys and Girls about Sex (Paperback)

Let's talk about the First Date: A Teen's Guide to Impressing Your Crush (Paperback)


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