The Astrology House (Compact Disc)
作者: Carinn Jade 
書城編號: 27778462

原價: HK$400.00
現售: HK$380 節省: HK$20

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出版社: Simon & Schuster Audio
出版日期: 2024/07/16
重量: 0.2 kg
ISBN: 9781797178998

A group of wealthy Manhattanites escape to an astrology-themed retreat, where simmering resentments and long-held secrets lead to a shocking death in this fresh, twisty, and suspenseful debut in the vein of Liane Moriarty and Katy Hays.Margot needs a minute. She's been working eighty-hour weeks as a newly minted partner at her law firm. She's disconnected from her brother, the only family she has left. And she's still not pregnant after years of trying. Stars Harbor Astrological Retreat promises rest, relaxation, and wisdom for Margot and her friends. With Instagram-worthy views and nightly astrology readings in an impeccably restored waterfront Victorian house, this getaway should be nothing but idyllic fun. For Margot's brother, Adam, it's the perfect opportunity to rekindle the romance that fuels his writing. But his wife, Aimee, hides the darkness of her past with a beautiful social media feed. Their friend, Farah, is a successful doctor who cannot admit that she's losing control. Yet no one holds a greater secret than their astrologer host, Rini. She has a plan for all of her guests, and one of them won't be leaving Stars Harbor alive.
Carinn Jade 作者作品表

The Astrology House (Hardcover)

The Astrology House (Compact Disc)

eBook: Astrology House: A Novel (DRM EPUB)

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