Modelling the Causation of Accidents (Paperback)
作者: Yang Wang 
書城編號: 27789811

售價: $860.00

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出版社: Lap Lambert Academic Pub
出版日期: 2024/01/26
重量: 0.24 kg
ISBN: 9786207460052

Millions of work-related accidents occur each year around the world, leading to a large number of deaths, injuries, and a huge economic cost. Previous studies on risk assessment have revealed that it is important to calculate the probabilities of factors that can contribute to the occurrence of accidents. Several methods have been proposed to evaluate potential risk factors and to improve system safety. However, these methods have some limitations, such as their low generalizability, treating accident causation and human factor as two separate research topics, requiring intensive data, or relying solely on expert judgement. This book proposed some new ideas to address these limitations.
Yang Wang 作者作品表

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Modelling the Causation of Accidents (Paperback)

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