Este Dumnezeu suveran cu adevărat? (Is God Really Sovereign?) (Romanian) (Paperback)
作者: Conrad Mbewe 
書城編號: 27808438

原價: HK$70.00
現售: HK$66.5 節省: HK$3.5

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出版社: Smarks
出版日期: 2024/02/01
重量: 0.06 kg
ISBN: 9798892180634


A Short Introduction to the Sovereignty of God for the Christian Life

God's sovereignty is difficult for most people to wrap their minds around even when they're not going through difficult times; the topic raises many questions about salvation, evangelism, sin, and suffering. But when difficult circumstances arise, many believers ask, "Is God really in control?"

In this addition to the Church Questions series, pastor Conrad Mbewe explains the Bible's teaching on God's sovereignty and addresses the common questions that it raises. He shows how it affects one's outlook on salvation, suffering, prayer, and worship in the Christian life. This short and accessible work is ideal for anyone currently struggling with the sovereignty of God or for new Christians wanting to learn more about God's sovereignty.

Conrad Mbewe 作者作品表

Cultivating Spiritual Growth: Striving for Maturity in Christ (Hardcover)

eBook: Unity (DRM EPUB)

Unity: Striving Side by Side for the Gospel (Paperback)

Kusudi la Mungu kwa Kanisa (God's Design for the Church) (Kiswahili): A Guide for African Pastors and Ministry Leaders (Paperback)

Maintaining Sexual Purity: In A Sexual Permissive Society (Paperback)

Challenges in Pastoral Ministry Today (Paperback)

eBook: Este Dumnezeu suveran cu adevărat? (Is God Really Sovereign?) (Romanian) (DRM EPUB)

Este Dumnezeu suveran cu adevărat? (Is God Really Sovereign?) (Romanian) (Paperback)

The Person & Work of the Holy Spirit (Paperback)

ESV Bible, Read by Conrad Mbewe (Compact Disc)

eBook: Is God Really Sovereign? (DRM EPUB)

eBook: La Predicacion Pastoral (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Pastoral Preaching: Building a People for God (DRM PDF)

eBook: Pastoral Preaching: Building a People for God (DRM EPUB)

Pastoral Preaching (Paperback)

eBook: Insights from the Lives of Olive Doke and Paul Kasonga for Pioneer Mission and Church Planting Today: An Alternative Missionary Practice (DRM E

eBook: Insights from the Lives of Olive Doke and Paul Kasonga for Pioneer Mission and Church Planting Today: An Alternative Missionary Practice (DRM P

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