Cursed Britain: A History of Witchcraft and Black Magic in Modern Times (Compact Disc)
作者: Thomas Waters 
書城編號: 27819573

原價: HK$520.00
現售: HK$494 節省: HK$26

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出版社: Tantor Audio
出版日期: 2023/11/14
ISBN: 9798212955881

Cursed Britain unveils the enduring power of witchcraft, curses, and black magic in modern times. Few topics are so secretive or controversial. Yet, whether in the 1800s or the early 2000s, when disasters struck or personal misfortunes mounted, many Britons found themselves believing in things they had previously dismissed--dark supernatural forces. Historian Thomas Waters here explores the lives of cursed or bewitched people, along with the witches and witch-busters who helped and harmed them. Waters takes us on a fascinating journey from Scottish islands to the folklore-rich West Country, from the immense territories of the British Empire to metropolitan London. We learn why magic caters to deep-seated human needs but see how it can also be abused and discover how witchcraft survives by evolving and changing. Along the way, we examine an array of remarkable beliefs and rituals, from traditional folk magic to diverse spiritualities originating in Africa and Asia. This is a tale of cynical quacks and sincere magical healers, depressed people and furious vigilantes, innocent victims and rogues who claimed to possess evil abilities. Their spellbinding stories raise important questions about the state's role in regulating radical spiritualities, the fragility of secularism, and the true nature of magic.
Thomas Waters 作者作品表

The Four Corners of Mathematics: A Brief History, from Pythagoras to Perelman (Paperback)

The Four Corners of Mathematics: A Brief History, from Pythagoras to Perelman (Hardcover)

Milkshakes & A Bulletproof Vest (Paperback)

Cursed Britain: A History of Witchcraft and Black Magic in Modern Times (Compact Disc)

Cursed Britain: A History of Witchcraft and Black Magic in Modern Times (MP3 CD)

Teaching Old Dogs New Tricks: Driving Corporate Innovation Through Start-ups, Spinoffs, and Venture Capital (Paperback)

Cursed Britain (Hardcover)

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