The Paths of the Perambulator (MP3 CD)
作者: Alan Dean Foster 
書城編號: 27821271

原價: HK$460.00
現售: HK$437 節省: HK$23

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出版社: Tantor Audio
出版日期: 2024/04/02
ISBN: 9798874640880

A trapped cosmic creature may drive the whole world mad--unless the spellsinger can set it free: "Foster knows how to spin a yarn" (Starlog). It's an ordinary day in the Bellwoods, save for the fact that Jon-Tom the spellsinger has awoken as a six-foot blue crab. He soon reverts to normal--as normal as a college student trapped in a world of magic and talking animals can be, anyway--but the bizarre changes keep happening, affecting not just him but the whole of this strange world. His wizardly mentor suspects these are the effects of the perambulator, a cosmic being whose presence distorts reality. One has been imprisoned in the mountains, and unless they free it, it will rip the world to shreds one insane illusion at a time. So Jon-Tom sets out, backed by the wizard, a boozehound owl, a gutter-minded otter, and a warrior koala with a taste for leather. Saving the world will be a cinch, as long as they don't lose their minds along the way.
Alan Dean Foster 作者作品表

Madrenga (Paperback)

The Moaning Words: A Novella of Lovecraftian Terror (Paperback)

Chorus Skating (MP3 CD)

Chorus Skating (Compact Disc)

Son of Spellsinger (Compact Disc)

Son of Spellsinger (MP3 CD)

Drowning World (MP3 CD)

Drowning World (Compact Disc)

The Time of the Transference (MP3 CD)

The Time of the Transference (Compact Disc)

The Howling Stones (MP3 CD)

The Howling Stones (Compact Disc)

eBook: Greenthieves (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Jed the Dead (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Cat * A * Lyst (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Slipt (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Codgerspace (DRM EPUB)

eBook: I Inside (DRM EPUB)

The Paths of the Perambulator (MP3 CD)

The Paths of the Perambulator (Compact Disc)

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