The River, the Town (Compact Disc)
作者: Farah Ali 
書城編號: 27823742

原價: HK$370.00
現售: HK$351.5 節省: HK$18.5

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出版社: Tantor Audio
出版日期: 2024/02/06
ISBN: 9798874698515

A poignant and powerful first novel following the breakup of a Pakistani family in the face of climate disaster, and their indefatigable search for stability, love, and belonging. In the rural town in Pakistan where Baadal grows up, children are named like talismans to sustain life and ward off unhappiness. At seventeen, Baadal has come to understand why his parents gave him that name, with hopes that their Big River will one day flow wide again, and their thirst will be quenched after years of drought. But in the final year of his schooling, abundance seems impossibly far away. As his parents' marriage--full of rage, despair, and often violence--reaches a breaking point, the only comfort Baadal can afford is a budding kinship with Meena, a divorced older woman he meets on the banks of the drying river. Meena has only just escaped her abusive husband, but her resistance to remarry soon gives way to the promise of stability and companionship that Baadal offers. Together, they leave the town in search of greater fortunes in the city. But even strong-willed, independent Meena finds herself bowed by the strain of Badaal's punishing work schedule, her struggling beauty parlor, and the tension with Baadal's mother, Raheela, as she seeks to leave behind a life of disappointments and discover a freedom she's never known.
Farah Ali 作者作品表

Policy, Media, and the Shaping of Spain-Morocco Relations: Discursive Representations of Migration to Ceuta and Melilla (2024) (Hardcover)

eBook: Policy, Media, and the Shaping of Spain-Morocco Relations: Discursive Representations of Migration to Ceuta and Melilla (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Policy, Media, and the Shaping of Spain-Morocco Relations: Discursive Representations of Migration to Ceuta and Melilla (DRM PDF)

The River, the Town (MP3 CD)

The River, the Town (Compact Disc)

eBook: Multilingualism and Gendered Immigrant Identity (DRM PDF)

eBook: Multilingualism and Gendered Immigrant Identity: Perspectives from Catalonia (DRM EPUB)

People Want to Live (MP3 CD)

People Want to Live (Compact Disc)

eBook: Eroding the Language of Freedom: Identity Predicament in Selected Works of Harold Pinter (DRM PDF)

eBook: Eroding the Language of Freedom: Identity Predicament in Selected Works of Harold Pinter (DRM EPUB)

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