eBook: Welcome to the Basement Study Guide: A Practical Guide to Building Jesus' First-Shall-Be-Last, Upside-Down Kingdom (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Tim Ross 
分類: Personal Christian testimony & popular inspirational works  
書城編號: 27829224

售價: $143.00

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製造商: HarperChristian Resources
出版日期: 2024/02/27
頁數: 112
ISBN: 9780310170754

Encounter faith where it was meant to be foundnot in life's penthouse, but in the basement, where God's kingdom is waiting to welcome you.This practical study guide, companion to Tim Ross's Welcome to the Basement, will help you assess where you are in your relationship with God and what steps you need to take to move to the next level in your faith.For too long we've been taught that the only way to be great is to go up. But it's time to turn the world upside-down because in God's Kingdom, the way up is down, the way in is out, and downward mobility is your only hope for upward utility.This study guide is ideal for you to go through on your own or with a group. Each session includes:The big ideas that will be covered in the session as you read through the book.An assessment exercise to help you reflect on your relationship with Christ.Ten group-oriented discussion questions based on the Bible and book content.A closing personal exercise to help you apply the concepts you've studied to your life.Prompts for opening and closing your group or personal study time with prayer. Sometimes the lowest floor of the building is where the real party is. Jesus is the cornerstone of a new kind of kingdomwill you step into the good things God is doing in the world?
Tim Ross 作者作品表

eBook: Welcome to the Basement: An Upside-Down Guide to Greatness (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Welcome to the Basement: An Upside-Down Guide to Greatness (DRM PDF)

eBook: Welcome to the Basement Study Guide: A Practical Guide to Building Jesus' First-Shall-Be-Last, Upside-Down Kingdom (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Welcome to the Basement Study Guide: A Practical Guide to Building Jesus' First-Shall-Be-Last, Upside-Down Kingdom (DRM PDF)

Welcome to the Basement: An Upside-Down Guide to Greatness (Hardcover)

Children's Readers 6 Caves (Paperback)

Betting the House (Paperback)

Why the Tories Won (Paperback)

eBook: Why the Tories Won: The Inside Story of the 2015 Election (DRM EPUB)

Macmillan Children's Readers Caves The Lucky Accident 6 Pack Italy (Mixed media product)

Macmillan Children's Readers Caves International Level 6 (Paperback)

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