eBook: Serpents of War: An American Officer's Story of World War I Combat and Captivity (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Harry Dravo Parkin, Steven Trout, Ian Isherwood 
系列: Modern War Studies
書城編號: 27829799

售價: $195.00

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製造商: University Press of Kansas
出版日期: 2024/02/06
ISBN: 9780700635061

Serpents of War, the memoir of Pennsylvanian Major Harry Dravo Parkin, is a rare account of World War I as seen from the perspective of a battalion commander. As a mid-level officer responsible for the lives and welfare of over a thousand men, Parkin conveys the stress of command at a time when one innocent blunder could cost an officer his combat assignment, brings the inferno of the Meuse-Argonne Offensive to life in terrifying, gory detail, and recounts being taken prisoner by the Imperial German Armya rare experience among American soldiers in 1918. In addition, Parkin provides a detailed account of the 79th Divisions attack on Mountfaucon, a military action that remains controversial to this day. This is a book by a brave soldier, a recipient of the Distinguished Service Cross for his heroism on the battlefield, and a gifted writer.Serpents of War is an abridged edition of a nearly 200,000-word World War I memoir that resides in Gettysburg Colleges Musselman Library, enhanced by the contributions of two scholars of World War I and memory. Written in an unassuming but eloquent style, Parkins narrative seldom strains for effect. It possesses a strong sense of setting, a knack for capturing the chaos and strange exhilaration of battle, and a sharp eye for the interpersonal, social dynamics of military lifethe personality clashes and simmering feuds, as well as the moments of comradeship and accord. Serpents of War is an absorbing memoir that holds the readers attention from beginning to end.
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