eBook: Hey! Listen!: Hypertext Rhetoric and The Legend of Zelda (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Latham Andrew S. Latham 
系列: Studies in Gaming
分類: Computer games / online games: strategy guides  
書城編號: 27834248

原價: HK$468.00
現售: HK$444.6 節省: HK$23.4

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製造商: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers
出版日期: 2024/01/18
頁數: 199
ISBN: 9781476651798
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 How does analyzing video games as hypertexts expand the landscape of research for video game rhetoricians and games studies scholars? This is the first book to focus on how hypertext rhetoric impacts the five canons of rhetoric, and to apply that hypertext rhetoric to the study of video games. It also explores how ludonarrative agency is seized by players seeking to express themselves in ways that game makers did not necessarily intend when making the games that players around the world enjoy. This book takes inspiration from The Legend of Zelda, a series which players all over the world have spent decades deconstructing through online playthroughs, speedruns, and glitch hunts. Through these playthroughs, players demonstrate their ability to craft their own agency, independent of the objectives built by the makers of these games, creating new rhetorical situations worthy of analysis and consideration.
Studies in Gaming

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Latham Andrew S. Latham 作者作品表

eBook: Hey! Listen!: Hypertext Rhetoric and The Legend of Zelda (DRM PDF)

eBook: Hey! Listen!: Hypertext Rhetoric and The Legend of Zelda (DRM EPUB)

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