eBook: Lady Guest's Mabinogion: with Essays on Medieval Welsh Myths and Arthurian Legends (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Charlotte Guest, David Rhys Phillips, Ivor B. John 
書城編號: 27834779

售價: $104.00

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製造商: Read Books Ltd.
出版日期: 2024/03/01
頁數: 524
ISBN: 9781528799201

A cornerstone of Welsh folklore, this new edition of the Mabinogion features Lady Charlotte Guest's original English translation of the medieval collection of Arthurian legends and Celtic myths.Sourced from Lady Guest's 1877 English translation, this new edition of the Mabinogion features twelve tales of heroes, gods, and magical creatures in an exciting odyssey of early medieval literature. It includes the Four Branches of the Mabinogi and some of the first legends of King Arthur in a brilliant treasury of time-honoured tales.This volume offers a unique glimpse into the rich history of the ancient Welsh text, presenting six essays providing context and insight into the longevity of these enduring tales. Alongside the marvellous Celtic stories are Lady Guest's own notes on the text, as well as extracts and entries from her journals.
Charlotte Guest 作者作品表

Lady Guest's Mabinogion: With Essays on Medieval Welsh Myths and Arthurian Legends (Paperback)

Lady Guest's Mabinogion: With Essays on Medieval Welsh Myths and Arthurian Legends (Hardcover)

eBook: Delphi Edition of The Mabinogion - Complete Translation (Illustrated) (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Mabinogion: Translated From the Red Book of Hergest (DRM PDF)

Mabinogion (Paperback)

The Mabinogion, Vol. 1: Translated from the Red Book of Hergest (Classic Reprint) (Paperback)

David Rhys Phillips 作者作品表

Lady Charlotte Guest and the Mabinogion; Some Notes on the Work and its Translator, With Extracts From her Journals (Hardcover)

Lady Charlotte Guest and the Mabinogion; Some Notes on the Work and its Translator, With Extracts From her Journals (Paperback)

Lady Charlotte Guest and the Mabinogion; Some Notes on the Work and its Translator, With Extracts From her Journals (Paperback)

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