eBook: Aphorisms for Artists: 100 Ways Toward Better Art (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Walter Darby Bannard, Franklin Einspruch 
書城編號: 27835242

售價: $169.00

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製造商: Allworth
出版日期: 2024/01/23
頁數: 240
ISBN: 9781621538400

A Volume of Timeless Wisdom for Artists to Consult Like an Oracle Why do young artists struggle to find their voices? Walter Darby Bannard, a renowned teacher, critic, and internationally exhibited painter, contemplated that question for more than two decades. At the urging of one of his former students, Bannard set down his thoughts in a short book, Aphorisms for Artists: 100 Ways Toward Better Art. It is at once a volume of practical art-making wisdom and an engaging piece of personal philosophy, both wry and readable. Open to any page, and youll find a memorable gem of wisdom, followed by a brief expansion by Bannard that adds more insight. It is a necessary reference to keep on hand in the studio, and a perfect gift for the aspiring artist to read and re-read, and to consult at times of artistic troubles.

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