eBook: Bikes, the Universe, and Everything: Feminist, Fantastical Tales of Bikes and Books (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Elly Blue 
書城編號: 27835572

售價: $130.00

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製造商: Microcosm Publishing LLC
出版日期: 2024/04/16
ISBN: 9781648413155

Ever gotten lost in a book? Or on your bicycle? Or both at once, by falling through a portal on the page? Anything is possible in this collection of fifteen very short stories and one comic. Ranging from science fiction to fantasy and traveling in time from a reimagined past to the heat death of the universe, these stories combine the personal and popular power of spokes and words. Meet a young graduate who rides off to become a velo-archivist, a bookstore owner who must learn to bike after cars are banned, a daredevil messenger who makes a harrowing textbook delivery run, a talented scribe who creates a braille bicycle guide, and many more adventurous souls in disparate realities, united by their love for spinning wheels and the written word.Includes stories by Kathryn Reilly, Kiera Jessica Bain, Julie Brooks, Aaron M. Wilson, Elizabeth Frazier, Annie Carl, Grace Gorski, Gretchin Lair, Cherise Fong, L. Y. Gu, Remy Chartier, Mariah Southworth, Dawn Vogel, Summer Jewel Keown, and Aidan Zingler, and a comic by Allison Bannister.
Elly Blue 作者作品表

Trans-Galactic Bike Ride: Feminist Bicycle Science Fiction Stories of Transgender and Nonbinary Adventurers (0002) (Paperback)

This Is Your Bike on Plants: Fantastical Feminist Stories of Bicycling, Gardens, and Growth (Paperback)

Bikes, the Universe, and Everything: Feminist, Fantastical Tales of Bikes and Books (Paperback)

eBook: Bikes, the Universe, and Everything: Feminist, Fantastical Tales of Bikes and Books (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Bicyclist's Guide to the Galaxy, The: Feminist, Fantastical Tales of Books and Bikes (DRM EPUB)

The Bicyclist's Guide to the Galaxy: Feminist, Fantastical Tales of Books and Bikes (Paperback)

eBook: Bicycles & Broomsticks (DRM EPUB)

eBook: C.A.T.S.: Cycling Across Time And Space: 11 Feminist Science Fiction and Fantasy Stories about Bicycling and Cats (DRM EPUB)

Dragon Bike (Paperback)

True Trans Bike Rebel (Paperback)

Bikequity (Paperback)

eBook: Bikequity (DRM EPUB)

Biketopia: Feminist Bicycle Science Fiction Stories In Extre (Paperback)

eBook: Biketopia: Feminist Bicycle Science Fiction Stories in Extreme Futures (DRM EPUB)

Bikenomics (Paperback)

Cycletherapy (Paperback)

Our Bodies, Our Bikes (paperback)

eBook: Pedal Zombies: Thirteen Feminist Bicycle Science Fiction Stories (DRM EPUB)

Pedal Zombies (Paperback)

Everyday Bicycling (Paperback)

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