eBook: Stars Turned Inside Out: A Novel (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Nova Jacobs 
分類: Crime & mystery  
書城編號: 27835939

售價: $195.00

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出版日期: 2024/03/19
頁數: 320
ISBN: 9781668018569
>> 相關實體書

The discovery of a suspicious death at a famous Swiss physics laboratory sparks a mystery that merges science, philosophy, and the high-stakes race to unlock the fundamental nature of our universe in this thrilling new novel from the Edgar Awardnominated author of the ';hugely entertaining' (The Wall Street Journal) The Last Equation of Isaac Severy.Deep beneath the ground outside of Geneva, where CERN's Large Hadron Collider smashes subatomic particles at breathtaking speeds, a startling discovery is made when the tunnel is down for maintenance: the body of Howard Anderby, a brilliant and recently arrived young physicist, who appears to have been irradiated by the collider. But security shows no evidence of him entering the tunnel, and for all of the lab's funding, its video surveillance is sorely lacking. Eager to keep the death under wraps until more is known, CERN brings in private investigator Sabine Leroux, who has her own ties to the lab's administrationand more than a passing interest in particle physics. Meanwhile, Howard's colleague and budding love interest Eve, shattered by his death, determines to reconcile what she knew of Howard with his gruesome fate, wondering if she could have done something to stop it. As Sabine digs into petty academic rivalries and personal secrets, an escalating international physics arms race heightens tensions and fuels speculation of a mole at the labthrowing into question loyalties and revealing what sort of knowledge may be worth killing for.
Nova Jacobs 作者作品表

The Stars Turned Inside Out (Paperback)

The Stars Turned Inside Out (Compact Disc)

The Stars Turned Inside Out (Hardcover)

eBook: Stars Turned Inside Out: A Novel (DRM EPUB)

Last Equation of Isaac Severy (Hardcover)

eBook: Last Equation of Isaac Severy: A Novel in Clues (DRM EPUB)

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