eBook: Methodism and American Empire: Reflections on Decolonizing the Church (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: David William Scott, Filipe Fernandes R. Maia, Dr. Joerg Rieger, Dr. Philip Wingeier-Rayo, Joon-Sik  
分類: Methodist Churches  
書城編號: 27836626

原價: HK$390.00
現售: HK$370.5 節省: HK$19.5

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製造商: Abingdon Press
出版日期: 2024/01/31
ISBN: 9781791030643
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Living into a less colonial way of being together.Methodism and American Empire investigates historical trajectories and theological developments that connect American imperialism since World War II to the Methodist tradition as a global movement. The volume asks: to what extent is United Methodists' vision of the globe marred by American imperialism? Through historical analyses and theological reflections, this volume chronicles the formation of an understanding of The United Methodist Church since the mid-20th century that is both global and at the same time dominated by American interests and concerns. Methodism and American Empire provides a historical and theological perspective to understand the current context of The United Methodist Church while also raising ecclesiological questions about the impact of imperialism on how Methodists have understood the nature and mission of the church over the last century. Gathering voices and perspectives from around the world, this volume suggests that the project of global Methodism and the tensions one witnesses therein ought to be understood in the context of American imperialism and that such an understanding is critical to the task of continuing to be a global denomination. The volume tells a tale of complex negotiations happening between United Methodists across different national, cultural, and ecclesial contexts and sets up the historical backdrop for the imminent schism of The United Methodist Church.

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