eBook: Lady's Rock (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Sue Lawrence 
書城編號: 27838457

原價: HK$220.00
現售: HK$209 節省: HK$11

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製造商: Saraband
出版日期: 2024/04/04
ISBN: 9781916812055

A wronged womans voice is reclaimed in this gripping tale of revenge and romancea medieval Gone Girl.Highland Scotland was no place for a woman in the early 1500s. Life was turbulent and short, battles were waged, and sisters and daughters were traded as pawns in marriage. Catherine Campbell was one such young bride, betrothed to Lachlan Maclean and sent from her fine home to join him on the Isle of Mull, to bear his sons and heirs.But Lachlan proved to be nothing like the man of Catherines dreams, and she was forced to resign herself to enduring life with him for the sake of duty. Until the day when he threatened to take away the one thing she couldnt sacrifice: her daughter.Casting a fascinating light on the ruthless Highlands, this sweeping drama by one of Scotland's best-loved novelists explores love, ambition and betrayal and highlights the precarious position of 16th-century women
Sue Lawrence 作者作品表

eBook: New Scottish Baking (DRM EPUB)

New Scottish Baking (Hardcover)

The Scottish Soup Bible (Reissue) (Paperback)

eBook: Lady's Rock (DRM EPUB)

The Unreliable Death of Lady Grange (Paperback)

eBook: Green Lady (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Unreliable Death of Lady Grange (DRM EPUB)

The Good Governance Guide to Strategy (Paperback)

The Good Governance Guide to Risk (Paperback)

The Good Governance Guide to Boardroom Dynamics (Paperback)

Company Meetings Handbook (Paperback)

Company Meetings Handbook (Paperback)

Board Committee's Handbook (Paperback)

Unreliable Death of Lady Grange (Paperback)

Taste of Scotland's Islands (Hardcover)

Down to the Sea (Paperback)

Scottish Soup Bible (Paperback)

Scottish Baking (Paperback)

Night He Left (Paperback)

Scottish Berries Bible (Paperback)

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