Reforming Literature Education in Malaysia 1957 - 2020: Development of Post-Secondary Literature in English (Hardcover)
作者: Jia Wei Lim 
分類: Literature & literary studies ,
Literature: history & criticism ,
Regional studies ,
Philosophy & theory of education ,
Secondary schools ,
Teaching of a specific subject ,
Regional geography ,
Educational: English literature ,
English ,
書城編號: 27861493

售價: $1820.00

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出版社: Routledge Chapman Hall
出版日期: 2024/08/01
ISBN: 9781032072142
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Lim traces the complexities in construction and implementation of a school subject, namely Literature in English in Malaysia through a focused and grounded narrative where tensions regarding identity, reader response and conceptualisations about literature play out in a postcolonial context.

Jia Wei Lim 作者作品表

eBook: Reforming Literature Education in Malaysia 1957 - 2020: Development of Post-secondary Literature in English (DRM PDF)

eBook: Reforming Literature Education in Malaysia 1957 - 2020: Development of Post-secondary Literature in English (DRM EPUB)

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