Soy Harriet Tubman (Paperback)
作者: Brad Meltzer 
書城編號: 27865900

原價: HK$170.00
現售: HK$161.5 節省: HK$8.5

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出版社: Vista
出版日期: 2024/02/09
重量: 0.29 kg
ISBN: 9781669915218


Each picture book biography in this New York Times best-selling series tells the story of a significant historical figure in a simple, conversational, playful way, always focusing on a character trait that makes the hero a role model for kids. This book features Harriet Tubman's heroic and pivotal role in the fight against slavery.

Cada una de las biograf

Brad Meltzer 作者作品表

The JFK Conspiracy: The Secret Plot to Kill Kennedy-And Why It Failed ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

The JFK Conspiracy: The Secret Plot to Kill Kennedy--And Why It Failed (Hardcover)

The JFK Conspiracy: The Secret Plot to Kill Kennedy--And Why It Failed (Compact Disc)

The Nazi Conspiracy: The Secret Plot to Kill Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill (Mass Market Paperbound)

Ordinary People Change the World: 32-Book Set (Hardcover)

Soy Neil Armstrong (Paperback)

Soy Leonardo Da Vinci (Paperback)

Soy Jane Goodall (Paperback)

Soy Martin Luther King, Jr. (Paperback)

Soy Harriet Tubman (Paperback)

I Am Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Hardcover)

I Am Mister Rogers (Hardcover)

Soy George Washington (Paperback)

Soy Frida Kahlo (Paperback)

Soy Benjamín Franklin (Paperback)

Soy Abraham Lincoln (Paperback)

Soy Sonia Sotomayor (Paperback)

The Nazi Conspiracy: The Secret Plot to Kill Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

I Am Harriet Tubman (Paperback)

The Lightning Rod: A Zig and Nola Novel (Paperback)

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