The Battle of Thapsus (46 Bc): Caesar, Metellus Scipio, and the Renewal of the Third Roman Civil War (Hardcover)
作者: Gareth C. Sampson 
書城編號: 27871879

原價: HK$370.00
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出版社: Pen & Sword Military
出版日期: 2024/05/16
重量: 0.52 kg
ISBN: 9781526793669
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Narrates the deployments, moves and countermoves on the day (6 Apr 46 BC) that led to another victory for Caesar.

Despite defeating his opponent Pompeius Magnus at Pharsalus, and the latter's subsequent murder, Caesar still faced a determined opposition in the Civil War that had engulfed the late Roman Republic. Having become entangled in the intrigues and wars of the East, Caesar gave his opponents time to regroup under the lead of Metellus Scipio and Cato the Younger, scions of two of the Republic's greatest families. Under their leadership Caesar's dominance of the Republic was seriously challenged, culminating in a decisive battle at Thapsus in what is now Tunisia. Gareth Sampson describes the campaigns that set the context for the battle, including the role played by the various regional powers drawn into the Roman Civil War. He then recounts the battle itself in detail, analysing the relative strengths of the armies involved, their organization, equipment and tactics. He assesses the opposing commanders and the strategies on the day which led to another victory for Caesar. He concludes with a discussion of the bloody aftermath of the battle and the myths that developed around the deaths of Caesar's opponents.
Gareth C. Sampson 作者作品表

The Battle of Thapsus (46 Bc): Caesar, Metellus Scipio, and the Renewal of the Third Roman Civil War (Hardcover)

eBook: Rome, Blood & Power: Reform, Murder and Popular Politics in the Late Republic 70-27 BC (DRM PDF)

eBook: Rome, Blood & Power: Reform, Murder and Popular Politics in the Late Republic 70-27 BC (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Rome, Blood & Politics: Reform, Murder and Popular Politics in the Late Republic, 133-70 BC (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Rome, Blood & Politics: Reform, Murder and Popular Politics in the Late Republic, 133-70 BC (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Rome, Blood & Politics: Reform, Murder and Popular Politics in the Late Republic, 133-70 BC (DRM PDF)

Defeat of Rome (Paperback)

eBook: Collapse of Rome: Marius, Sulla & the 1st Civil War (91-70 BC) (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Defeat of Rome in the East: Crassus, the Parthians, and the Disastrous Battle of Carrhae, 53 BC (DRM PDF)

eBook: Defeat of Rome in the East: Crassus, the Parthians, and the Disastrous Battle of Carrhae, 53 BC (DRM EPUB)

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