Sunshine, Moonshine (Paperback)
作者: Bonnie Christensen 
書城編號: 27872184

原價: HK$150.00
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出版社: Onion River Pr
出版日期: 2024/03/19
重量: 0.33 kg
ISBN: 9781957184357


"A perfectly potent distillation of heart, humor, and hope. This intoxicating story sings on every page." -Tanya Lee Stone, NAACP Image Award Winner & Sibert Medalist

Sunshine Ervila Lee Walston may not know how to read, but she's darn good with her hands and helping out on her family's cotton farm in 1933 Oklahoma. Trouble is, it doesn't matter how hard you work if the rain doesn't come. After the bank takes away her homestead, Sunny and her family move to the small, dusty town of Lark Springs, North Carolina, where they have a chance to start anew.

But the incessant drought and threats of foreclosure follows the family to Lark Springs, and it seems that the only way out is an extremely dangerous one-and if Sunny makes just one mistake, there's more to lose than just the farm.

From award-winning children's book author Bonnie Christensen and her daughter Emily Herder comes a new historical adventure of an unshakable girl who will do anything to save her family. With help from her smarty-pants sister and some new and interesting friends, will Sunny find the courage to do what it takes? How much is she willing to risk to save her family and their life in Lark Springs?

Bonnie Christensen 作者作品表

Sunshine, Moonshine (Paperback)

Sunshine, Moonshine (Hardcover)

I, Galileo (hardcover)

eBook: I, Galileo (DRM EPUB)

Plant a Little Seed (hardcover)

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