Avalon Book One: The Ghost in the Machine (Paperback)
作者: Michael White 
書城編號: 27872559

售價: $140.00

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出版社: Lightning Source Inc
出版日期: 2022/08/05
重量: 0.28 kg
ISBN: 9798215387351


Avalon is the most advanced virtual role-playing game ever created. With the custom-made Avalon headset, the whole environment feels real - the wind in your hair, the sun on your face. Yet even such advanced technology can go wrong - and what if the immersion software locks you into the game and you are able to escape? "Avalon: The Ghost in the Machine" is the first book set in such a world, where a band of people get stuck online, and suddenly the stakes are much higher than the software was designed to handle, and the forces of computer-generated evil are suddenly standing between you and any chance of escape by being able to go offline.

Avalon ((TM)) is the first multiplayer fantasy Total Immersion ((TM)) game from Avalon Productions ((TM)). As such we recommend that you familiarise yourself with the game controls and read this manual carefully before venturing into the starter area of Avalon. As we are sure you are aware, the experience of the game is quite unlike anything else available, and the technology that drives the experience is the most advanced on the market.
Once you enter the game it will soon become apparent that the immersion process is complete. You will believe that you are there. The neural headset hardware ((TM)) that comes with the game simulation is of course tested in all aspects of its performance. You will feel the breeze brushing against your skin, squint at the brightness of the sun if you look at it for too long, listen to the birds singing in the hedgerows. The experience is total, and as such, it is important to remember a few basic commands to begin with.
Some people take longer to adjust to the simulation than others, and although every effort has been taken to minimise motion sickness, it is best at first to limit your play time to short periods until you feel that you have adjusted. Having said that, it is generally advisable to never initially play the game for stretches of more than three hours at a time. We recommend that you take frequent breaks.

Please enjoy your time in Avalon but remember to immerse yourself slowly and once you have done so, take frequent breaks. The neural headset is self-maintaining, but please use common sense when playing Avalon - it is a total immersion experience, and it will take some time to become accustomed to the environment.
Avalon Productions ((TM)) have spent decades developing the Total Immersion (TM) system and creating the myths, legends, landscapes and lore of Avalon. We look forward to hearing your feedback - but one thing we do know is that you are going to have fun out there!
Happy adventuring!

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