Rescue Cat (Hardcover)
作者: Stephen Savage 
分類: Picture books  
書城編號: 27875781

原價: HK$190.00
現售: HK$180.5 節省: HK$9.5

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出版社: Roaring Brook Pr
出版日期: 2024/07/23
重量: 0.45 kg
ISBN: 9781626721548


From New York Times-bestselling creator Stephen Savage comes an adventurous picture book about a little cat with BIG ambitions.

Life hasn't always been easy for street cat, Butterscotch. But when she finds herself in a brand new home, full of warmth and love, she gathers the strength to be brave.

One day, she sees a fellow cat facing a crocodile on the nature channel on TV, so she jumps through the screen to help. After all, she is...

A rescue cat!

This innovative picture book is an inspirational and classic tale about a brave, fearless cat who shares kindness and care.

Stephen Savage 作者作品表

Rescue Cat (Hardcover)

Little Plane Learns to Write

Mixed-Up Truck (Hardcover)

Little Tug (Hardcover)

Mammals (Paperback)

Reptiles (Paperback)

Insects (Paperback)

Fish (Paperback)

Amphibians (Paperback)

Birds (Paperback)

Duck (Paperback)

Mouse (Paperback)

Snake (Paperback)

Bat (Paperback)

Little Tug (hardcover)

Explorers: Oceans and Seas (Paperback)

Where's Walrus? (hardcover)

Mole (paperback)

Police Reform (Paperback)

Sharks (Hardcover)

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