Toxic Turkey (Paperback)
作者: Gage Irving 
書城編號: 27879665

售價: $170.00

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出版社: La Maison Pub Inc
出版日期: 2024/02/18
重量: 0.34 kg
ISBN: 9781970153491

The occasional appearance of supernatural powers used by some of the characters, and a tinge of Sci-fi in a scene or two are woven through the plot. Nevertheless, day-to-day greed, egotism, and perhaps something poisonous were the only forces steaming on their dinner plates during the Donnelly's Thanksgiving reunion.

That reunion does have classic features generally found in murderous situations of this kind...however, there were some unusual tensions between the family members, and the arrival of some uninvited guests certainly changed the outcome.

The prologue introduces Kieth Fischer. Not interactive in the main plot, he was still linked to the apparently coincidental formation of a small team intertwined in the disastrous reunion. These four gifted individuals will try to stop a different kind of poison powerful enough to create a world-ending apocalypse in the sequel, Toxic Tinsel. Kieth reappears in the epilogue of Toxic Turkey leaving us with a forecast of doom.

Gage Irving 作者作品表

Everything in Vero Beach was Eaten (Paperback)

Toxic Turkey (Paperback)

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