eBook: Law of Riba in Islamic Banking: Conventional and Unconventional Approaches to Interest-Free Financing (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Hasan Gurak, Neelambar Hatti 
系列: Islamic Business and Finance Series
分類: Monetary economics ,
Banking ,
Credit & credit institutions ,
Sales & marketing  
書城編號: 27895367

售價: $520.00

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製造商: Taylor & Francis Ebooks
出版日期: 2024/03/12
頁數: 236
ISBN: 9781003861041
>> 相關實體書

The issue of riba, that is, interest/the "excess" or "surplus" on loans is crucial for both Islamic and non-Islamic countries. Western economic systems use interest to distribute financial resources efficiently for investment and/or consumption, while Islamic economies pursue a completely different strategy for financing loans, which adheres to Islamic laws and prohibits the activities of conventional banking systems with regard to interest. This book argues that there is scope for new definitions and analysis based on alternative concepts which respect Islamic values and principles, yet pave the way for modification and debate. The book comprises of two parts. Theoretical issues are dealt with in the first section. The first two chapters examine conventional Islamic views on the prohibition of riba, while Chapters 3 and 4 contain unprecedented and alternative theoretical analysis based on concepts such as "earned" (halal-permitted-legal) vs. "unearned" (haram-impermissible-illegal) income and SUKUK, that is, Islamic interest-free bonds. The second part of the book tackles another unconventional aspect of Islamic finance, that is, the concept of NAS. The book considers whether the NAS-influenced anti-inflationary interest policy was a success or failure. Empirical data is evaluated in terms of bank incomes, inflation rate, interest rate, and the distribution of income. This book will be a useful guide for students, scholars, and researchers of Islamic banking and finance.
Islamic Business and Finance Series

Islamic Finance and Sustainable Development: Balancing Spirituality, Values and Profit (Hardcover)

Islamic Economics and Financial Crisis (Hardcover)

Islamic Finance and Sustainable Development: The Water, Food, Energy, and Climate Nexus (Hardcover)

The Future of Islamic Banking and Finance in Indonesia: Performance, Risk and Regulation (Paperback)

Shariah Governance in Islamic Banking Institutions (Paperback)

The Islamic Finance Industry: Issues and Challenges (Paperback)

Waqf in Islamic Economics and Finance: An Instrument for Socioeconomic Welfare (Hardcover)

Islamic Financial Institutions: An Introduction (Hardcover)

Islamic Finance, Governance and Regulation: Global Perspectives (Hardcover)

eBook: Islamic Economic System: Cultural Context in a Global Economy (DRM EPUB)

The Islamic Economic System: Cultural Context in a Global Economy (Hardcover)

eBook: Islamic Economic System: Cultural Context in a Global Economy (DRM PDF)

eBook: Islamic Finance in the Modern Era: Digitalization, FinTech and Social Finance (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Islamic Finance in the Modern Era: Digitalization, FinTech and Social Finance (DRM PDF)

Islamic Finance in the Financial Markets of Europe, Asia and America (Paperback)

eBook: Islamic Sustainable Finance: Policy, Risk and Regulation (DRM PDF)

eBook: Islamic Sustainable Finance: Policy, Risk and Regulation (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Islamic Finance and Sustainable Development: A Global Framework for Achieving Sustainable Impact Finance (DRM PDF)

eBook: Islamic Finance and Sustainable Development: A Global Framework for Achieving Sustainable Impact Finance (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Law of Riba in Islamic Banking: Conventional and Unconventional Approaches to Interest-Free Financing (DRM EPUB)

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Hasan Gurak 作者作品表

The Economic Value of Creative Mental Labor: Economic Growth, Price and the Labor Theory of Value (2024) (Hardcover)

The Law of Riba in Islamic Banking: Conventional and Unconventional Approaches to Interest-Free Financing (Hardcover)

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