eBook: Rumor Game: The superb World War II-set US thriller from the award-winning author of Darktown (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Thomas Mullen 
分類: Crime & mystery ,
Thriller / suspense ,
Science fiction  
書城編號: 27898684

售價: $130.00

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製造商: Little, Brown Book Group
出版日期: 2024/02/27
ISBN: 9781408715079
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'Terrific entertainment' -- STEPHEN KING on Thomas Mullen's DarktownA determined reporter and a reluctant FBI agent face off against fascist elements in this gripping historical thriller set in World War II-era Boston from the multi-award-nominated author.Reporter Anne Lemire writes the Rumor Clinic, a newspaper column that disproves the many harmful rumors floating around town, some of them spread by Axis spies and others just gossip mixed with fear and ignorance. Tired of chasing silly rumors, she wants to write about something bigger. Special Agent Devon Mulvey, one of the few Catholics at the FBI, spends his weekdays preventing industrial sabotage and his Sundays spying on clerics with suspect loyalties - and he spends his evenings wooing the many lonely women whose husbands are off at war. When Anne's story about Nazi propaganda intersects with Devon's investigation into the death of a factory worker, the two are led down a dangerous trail of espionage, organized crime, and domestic fascism - one that implicates their own tangled pasts and threatens to engulf the city in violence. With vibrant historical atmosphere and a riveting mystery that illuminates still-timely issues about disinformation and power, Thomas Mullen delivers another powerful thriller.READERS RATE THE RUMOR GAME'Thomas Mullen scored a home run'READER REVIEW 'A tense and atmospheric thriller'READER REVIEW 'Beautifully depicted'READER REVIEW
Thomas Mullen 作者作品表


eBook: Rumor Game: The superb World War II-set US thriller from the award-winning author of Darktown (DRM EPUB)

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