eBook: Sacred Places Tell Tales: Jewish Life and Heritage in Modern Cairo (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Yoram Meital 
系列: Jewish Culture and Contexts
書城編號: 27899634

售價: $844.00

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製造商: University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.
出版日期: 2024/08/06
頁數: 368
ISBN: 9781512825893

Sacred Places Tell Tales is the previously untold history of Egyptian Jewry and the ways in which Cairo's synagogues historically functioned as active institutions in the social lives of these Jews. Historian Yoram Meital interprets Cairo's synagogues as exquisite storytellers. The synagogues still stand in Cairo, and they shed new light on the social, cultural, and political processes that Egyptian society and the Jews underwent from 1875 to the present. Studying old and new synagogues in the Egyptian capital, their locations, the items they stored, and the range of religious and nonreligious activities they hosted reveals the social heterogeneity and the diverse ways in which modern Jewish sociocultural identity was constructed within Cairo's Sephardi, Ashkenazi, and Karaite communities. Meital contends that studying the congregations and the social services provided in synagogues reveals the local Jewish community's customs, cultural preferences, socioeconomic gaps, and class divisions.Sacred Places Tell Tales narrates not only the past but also the unprecedented transformations that have occurred in recent years in Egypt. While only a handful of Jews live in Egypt, the preservation of Jewish heritage, first and foremost synagogues and cemeteries, enjoy a growing interest in public discourse and popular culture. This new desire to preserve Jewish heritage is inseparable from the ongoing public debate about Egyptian society, its characteristics, and its identity, past and present. By contextualizing Jewish heritage preservation in a longer Egyptian and Jewish history, Meital opens a window into one of the most significant political discussions dividing Egyptian society today.
Jewish Culture and Contexts

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... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Yoram Meital 作者作品表

Sacred Places Tell Tales: Jewish Life and Heritage in Modern Cairo (Hardcover)

eBook: Sacred Places Tell Tales: Jewish Life and Heritage in Modern Cairo (DRM PDF)

eBook: Sacred Places Tell Tales: Jewish Life and Heritage in Modern Cairo (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Revolutionary Justice: Special Courts and the Formation of Republican Egypt (DRM PDF)

eBook: Revolutionary Justice: Special Courts and the Formation of Republican Egypt (DRM EPUB)

Peace in Tatters: Israel, Palestine, and the Middle East (Hardcover)

Peace in Tatters: Israel, Palestine, and the Middle East (Paperback)

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