eBook: Band: A Novel (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Christine Ma-Kellams 
分類: Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)  
書城編號: 27901102

售價: $169.00

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出版日期: 2024/04/16
頁數: 224
ISBN: 9781668018392
>> 相關實體書

';This could very well be the first great K-Pop literary phenomenon.' Debutiful, Most Anticipated Books of 2024 Perfect for fans of Mouth to Mouth and Black Buck, this whip-smart, darkly funny, and biting debut follows a psychologist with a savior complex who offers shelter to a recently cancelled K-pop idol on the run. Sang Duri is the eldest member and ';visual' of a Korean boy band at the apex of global superstardom. But when his latest solo single accidentally leads to controversy, he's abruptly cancelled. To spare the band from fallout with obsessive fans and overbearing management, Duri disappears from the public eye by hiding out in the McMansion of a Chinese American woman he meets in a Los Angeles H-Mart. But his rescuer is both unhappily married with children and a psychologist with a savior complex, a combination that makes their potential union both seductive and incredibly problematic. Meanwhile, Duri's cancellation catapults not only a series of repressed memories from his music producer's earlier years about the original girl group whose tragic disbanding preceded his current success, but also a spiral of violent interactions that culminates in an award show event with reverberations that forever change the fates of both the band members and the music industry. In its indicting portrayal of mental health and public obsession, fandom, and cancel culture, The Band considers the many ways in which love and celebrity can devolve into something far more sinister when their demands are unmet.
Christine Ma-Kellams 作者作品表

The Band (Paperback)

The Band (Paperback)

The Band (Compact Disc)

The Band (Hardcover)

eBook: Band: A Novel (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Cultural Psychology: Cross-Cultural and Multicultural Perspectives (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Cultural Psychology: Cross-Cultural and Multicultural Perspectives (DRM PDF)

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