eBook: Cultural History of The Punisher: Marvel Comics and the Politics of Vengeance (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Kent Worcester 
分類: Literary studies: fiction, novelists & prose writers ,
Graphic novels ,
Fiction: special features ,
Popular culture  
書城編號: 27901638

售價: $311.00

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製造商: Intellect Books
出版日期: 2023/09/19
ISBN: 9781789388466
>> 相關實體書

If the Punisher became a valuable piece of intellectual property during the closing decades of the twentieth century, he has become a global icon in the twenty-first. In this pathbreaking study, Kent Worcester explores the sometimes ridiculous and often socially resonate storyverse of the most famous rageaholic in popular culture: Frank Castle, aka the Punisher. Worcester pays particular attention to nearly five decades' worth of punishment-themed comics and graphic novels published between the 1970s and the present day. These texts provide the material resources for a close reading of the Punisher's distinctive and extreme form of justice discourse. Punishment, after all, is a political and social construct. Violence does not imply or claim legitimacy. Punishment does. To talk about punishment is to ask who deserves to be punished, who decides who deserves to be punished, and what form the punishment should take. All costumed heroes have their political moments; the Punisher is political. Frank Castle inhabits the most politically engaged corner of the entire Marvel Universe. His adventures should attract our interest for precisely this reason.
Kent Worcester 作者作品表

A Cultural History of the Punisher: Marvel Comics and the Politics of Vengeance (Hardcover)

A Cultural History of the Punisher: Marvel Comics and the Politics of Vengeance (Paperback)

eBook: Cultural History of The Punisher: Marvel Comics and the Politics of Vengeance (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Cultural History of The Punisher: Marvel Comics and the Politics of Vengeance (DRM PDF)

From MORI to Magna Carta: The Selected Writings of Sir Robert Worcester (Hardcover)

From MORI to Magna Carta: The Selected Writings of Sir Robert Worcester (Hardcover)

From MORI to Magna Carta: The Selected Writings of Sir Robert Worcester (Hardcover)

eBook: Peter Kuper: Conversations (DRM PDF)

eBook: Peter Kuper: Conversations (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Peter Bagge: Conversations (DRM PDF)

eBook: Peter Bagge: Conversations (DRM EPUB)

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