The Evolution of Consciousness: Navigating the Levels of Awareness and Unlocking Spiritual Potential (Paperback)
作者: David R. Hawkins 
書城編號: 27935852

原價: HK$170.00
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出版社: Hay House
出版日期: 2024/10/15 (快將出版)
ISBN: 9781401977085

Spiritual teacher and best-selling author of Letting Go offers a thorough explanation of the levels of consciousness.

In this book, renowned spiritual teacher Dr. David R. Hawkins offers an in-depth look at each level in the Map of Consciousness(R), and how it relates in general to the whole field of consciousness. He also defines what is meant by linear and nonlinear, content and context, as well as the radical state of subjectivity, awareness, and consciousness.

The Map of Consciousness(R) is used to illuminate the understanding of the ego and our programs and how to be free of them. As Dr. Hawkins explains, the Map is not a hierarchy of worthiness but more like a prism that breaks up the light into different colors. Spiritual work is making choices that move us up toward the Light.

In the second half of this book, Dr. Hawkins explores:

  • How to transcend positionalities
  • Why just hearing certain information can be transformational
  • That there is no such thing as "nothingness"
  • The "Progressive Fields of Realization" and the theory of evolution
  • How to disassemble the ego
  • The basics of quantum mechanics

Throughout, Dr. Hawkins speaks on the emergence of positive spiritual energy that is dominating the consciousness field of mankind with profound implications for everyone.

"The whole use of this scale, the whole use of what we learn from it is merely to support the intention on the part of everyone here to move forward in consciousness and to fulfill the human potential."

David R. Hawkins 作者作品表

The Evolution of Consciousness: Navigating the Levels of Awareness and Unlocking Spiritual Potential (Paperback)

The Power vs. Force Deck: 44 Cards to Master Your Emotions and Embrace Your Inner Potential

The Evolution of Consciousness: Navigating the Levels of Awareness and Unlocking Spiritual Potential (Paperback)

The Path to Spiritual Advancement: How to Transcend the Ego and Experience the Presence of God (Paperback)

The Path to Spiritual Advancement: How to Transcend the Ego and Experience the Presence of God (Paperback)

eBook: Highest Level of Enlightenment (DRM EPUB)

The Highest Level of Enlightenment: Tap Into the Database of Consciousness for Total Self-Realization (Paperback)

The Highest Level of Enlightenment: Transcend the Levels of Consciousness for Total Self-Realization

The Letting Go Deck: 44 Inspirational Cards to Experience the Power of Surrender

eBook: Summary of the book allowing the departure (DRM EPUB)

In the World, But Not of It: Transforming Everyday Experience into a Spiritual Path (Paperback)

In the World, But Not of It: Transforming Everyday Experience Into a Spiritual Path (Paperback)

Reflexiones Diarias del Doctor Hawkins (Paperback)

Daily Reflections from Dr. David R. Hawkins: 365 Contemplations on Surrender, Healing and Consciousness (Paperback)

The Wisdom of Dr. David R. Hawkins: Classic Teachings on Spiritual Truth, Enlightenment and the Mind (Paperback)

The Ego Is Not the Real You: Wisdom to Transcend the Mind and Realize the Self (Paperback)

Truth vs. Falsehood: How to Tell the Difference (Paperback)

Discovery of the Presence of God: Devotional Nonduality (Paperback)

Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man (Paperback)

The Map of Consciousness Explained: A Proven Energy Scale to Actualize Your Ultimate Potential (Paperback)

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