Kevin and KatheRINe in the Next Lifetime (Hardcover)
作者: Crystal Charlotte (CC) Lane 
書城編號: 27936151

原價: HK$380.00
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出版社: Archway Pub
出版日期: 2024/03/10
重量: 0.53 kg
ISBN: 9781665757249


Kevin and Katherine have an unconditional love that transcends the test of time, but they are forever conscious of their differences and the effect and impact their relationship has on their loved ones. Although rising stars and achieving great success in their careers, they come from different worlds. Kevin's world is one of rich white people of privilege where men are head of household and married to slim, beautiful blonde women.

Katherine's world is the middle to upper middle class African American community where good-looking men are defined by beautiful dark skin and pearly white teeth. Dark skinned men are all the rage, while light skinned men are out of style. Within Katherine's circle, a black woman marrying a white man would be looked upon as a disaster. In Kevin's world, considering marrying a black woman would be intolerable and could have a negative impact on his career.

Yet, could it work out between them? Against all odds, could they ultimately be happy together? Kevin and KatheRINe in the Next Lifetime delves into a world where attractiveness and beauty (defined in a specific society) may not be what brings people together. Instead, it is a feeling, an undeniable connection, that makes an individual attractive-even at first sight-and how this could happen between two people from different worlds.

Crystal Charlotte (CC) Lane 作者作品表

Shilpa's Blue Crayon (Hardcover)

Shilpa's Blue Crayon (Paperback)

Kevin and KatheRINe in the Next Lifetime (Paperback)

Kevin and KatheRINe in the Next Lifetime (Hardcover)

eBook: Kevin and KatheRINe in the Next Lifetime (DRM EPUB)

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