Reconstructions of Canadian Identity: Towards Diversity and Inclusion (Hardcover)
作者: Vander Tavares 
書城編號: 27938649

售價: $700.00

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出版社: Univ Of Manitoba
出版日期: 2024/04/19
重量: 0.72 kg
ISBN: 9781772840728


Re-envisioning multiculturalism in Canada

In 1971, Canada became the first nation in the world to officially declare its bilingual and multicultural policies. Reconstructions of Canadian Identity examines what has changed over the past fifty years, highlighting the lived experiences of marginalized Canadians and offering insights into the critical work that lies ahead.

Editors Vander Tavares and Maria Jo

Vander Tavares 作者作品表

Researching Interculturality in Post-Colonial Contexts: Indigenous Perspectives and Beyond (Hardcover)

Internationalization of TESOL Teacher Education: Global and Critical Perspectives (Hardcover)

Internationalization of TESOL Teacher Education: Global and Critical Perspectives (Paperback)

Social Justice, Decoloniality, and Southern Epistemologies within Language Education: Theories, Knowledges, and Practices on TESOL from Brazil (Paperb

Social Justice through Pedagogies of Multiliteracies: Developing and Strengthening L2 Learner Agency and Identity (Paperback)

Social Justice through Pedagogies of Multiliteracies: Developing and Strengthening L2 Learner Agency and Identity (Hardcover)

eBook: Social Justice through Pedagogies of Multiliteracies: Developing and Strengthening L2 Learner Agency and Identity (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Social Justice through Pedagogies of Multiliteracies: Developing and Strengthening L2 Learner Agency and Identity (DRM PDF)

Empowering Language Learners in a Changing World Through Pedagogies of Multiliteracies (2024) (Hardcover)

eBook: Empowering Language Learners in a Changing World through Pedagogies of Multiliteracies (DRM PDF)

eBook: Empowering Language Learners in a Changing World through Pedagogies of Multiliteracies (DRM EPUB)

Reconstructions of Canadian Identity: Towards Diversity and Inclusion (Hardcover)

eBook: Social Justice, Decoloniality, and Southern Epistemologies within Language Education: Theories, Knowledges, and Practices on TESOL from Brazil

eBook: Social Justice, Decoloniality, and Southern Epistemologies within Language Education: Theories, Knowledges, and Practices on TESOL from Brazil

Social Justice, Decoloniality, and Southern Epistemologies Within Language Education: Theories, Knowledges, and Practices on Tesol from Brazil (Hardco

eBook: International Students in Higher Education: Language, Identity, and Experience from a Holistic Perspective (DRM PDF)

eBook: International Students in Higher Education: Language, Identity, and Experience from a Holistic Perspective (DRM EPUB)

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