Survivor Supporters (Library Binding)
作者: Emma Kaiser 
分類: Natural history (Children’s/Teenage)  
書城編號: 27939864

原價: HK$314.00
現售: HK$298.3 節省: HK$15.7

購買此書 10本或以上 9折, 60本或以上 8折

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版日期: 2024/08/01 (快將出版)
ISBN: 9781637389218

This book's easy-to-read text explains the tasks and training involved in helping people after disasters, as well as the dangers this job involves. Short paragraphs and plenty of colorful photos make reading engaging and accessible. The book also includes a table of contents, fast facts, sidebars, comprehension questions, a glossary, an index, and a list of resources for further reading. Apex books have low reading levels (grades 2-3) but are designed for older students, with interest levels of grades 3-7.
Emma Kaiser 作者作品表

Influential Women in the Military (Library Binding)

Influential Women in Engineering (Library Binding)

Weapons of World War II (Library Binding)

Christmas (Library Binding)

Mining and the Environment (Library Binding)

Bigfoot (Hardcover)

Zombies and the Undead (Hardcover)

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