Pray First Challenge: 60 Devotions to Grow in Faith, Family, Fitness, Finances, and Future (Hardcover)
作者: Andrew F. Carter 
書城編號: 27943524

原價: HK$190.00
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出版社: Chosen Books
出版日期: 2024/11/19
重量: 0.31 kg
ISBN: 9780800763527

Known for the effortless, transparent, and humble ways in which he prays, Pastor Andrew F Carter invites you on a life-changing 60-day prayer journey, showing that prayer isn't complicated--and that a consistent prayer life is the secret to a powerful prayer life.

Through motivational devotions, inspiring prayers, Scripture, and real-world application, Pastor Andrew helps you saturate your days with prayer and see God move powerfully in five core areas of life

- Faith: your spiritual life and relationship with God
- Family/Friends: your relationships, including relational issues
- Fitness: your physical, mental, and emotional well-being
- Finances: your stewardship, income, resources, and giving
- Future: your purpose, calling, and profession

When you take up the challenge to pray first, you'll see miraculous answers to your prayers--and experience God's supernatural peace, provision, and protection each day.
Andrew F. Carter 作者作品表

Pray First Challenge: 60 Devotions to Grow in Faith, Family, Fitness, Finances, and Future (Hardcover)

Pray First Challenge: 60 Devotions to Grow in Faith, Family, Fitness, Finances, and Future (Compact Disc)

The Privilege of Prayer: Find Healing, Transformation, and Answers (MP3 CD)

The Privilege of Prayer: Find Healing, Transformation, and Answers (Compact Disc)

The Privilege of Prayer: Find Healing, Transformation, and Answers (Paperback)

The Privilege of Prayer: Find Healing, Transformation, and Answers (Hardcover)

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