How to Make a Picture Book (Hardcover)
作者: Elys Dolan 
書城編號: 27943928

原價: HK$180.00
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出版社: Candlewick Books
出版日期: 2024/08/13
重量: 0.5 kg
ISBN: 9781536231427

Everyone has a story to tell--and now you can learn how to tell it in your own picture book, using this helpful, humor-filled guide from an award-winning creator.

Have you ever wanted to create your own story--and capture it for posterity? Elys Dolan brings her comic touch to the process by portraying her narrator-self as a friendly worm (it's quicker to draw than a person!). How do you come up with something to write about? Build and flesh out your story? Use color and space effectively? From combining two favorite things to form a story idea to "interviewing" your characters to physically putting a book together, the author walks readers through some surprisingly comprehensive beginners' techniques that may have something to offer even seasoned storytellers. This witty, fun, conversational, step-by-step guide--part picture book, part activity book--is packed with prompts, exercises, tips, and jokes. So find your inspiration, grab your pens and pencils, and get making!

Elys Dolan 作者作品表

Rex Dinosaur in Disguise: Museum Mystery (Paperback)

How to Make a Picture Book (Hardcover)

eBook: Rex Dinosaur in Disguise: Undercover Alien (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Rex Dinosaur in Disguise: Undercover Alien (DRM PDF)

Rex Dinosaur in Disguise: Undercover Alien (Paperback)

How to Make a Picture Book (Paperback)

How to Make a Picture Book (Hardcover)

eBook: King Dave: Royalty for Beginners (DRM PDF)

Rex: Dinosaur in Disguise (Paperback)

Mayor Bunny's Chocolate Town (1) (Paperback)

Mayor Bunny's Chocolate Town (1) (Hardcover)

eBook: Mayor Bunny's Chocolate Town (DRM PDF)

What About The Tooth Fairy? (Paperback)

eBook: What About The Tooth Fairy? (DRM EPUB)

What About The Tooth Fairy? (Hardcover)

Super Snail (Paperback)

Doughnut of Doom (Paperback)

Super Snail (Hardcover)

eBook: Super Snail (DRM EPUB)

Doughnut of Doom (Paperback)

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