Dear Hanna (Hardcover)
作者: Zoje Stage 
分類: Thriller / suspense ,
Horror & ghost stories  
書城編號: 27944076

原價: HK$280.00
現售: HK$266 節省: HK$14

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出版社: Thomas & Mercer
出版日期: 2024/08/13
ISBN: 9781662521003


Zoje Stage delivers another knockout with a blood-chilling follow-up to international sensation Baby Teeth, taking readers back into the unsteady world of a young sociopath who's all grown up.

Hanna is no stranger to dark thoughts: as a young child, she tried to murder her own mother. But that was more than sixteen years ago. And extensive therapy--and writing letters to her younger brother--has since curbed those nasty tendencies.

Now twenty-four, Hanna is living an outwardly normal life of domestic content. Married to real estate agent Jacob, she's also stepmother to his teenage daughter Joelle. They live in a beautiful home, and Hanna loves her career as a phlebotomist--a job perfectly suited to her occasional need to hurt people.

But when Joelle begins to change in ways that don't suit Hanna's purposes, her carefully planned existence threatens to come apart. With life slipping out of her control, Hanna reverts to old habits, determined to manipulate the events and people around her. And the only thing worse than a baby sociopath is a fully grown one.

With its dark humor and chillingly seductive protagonist, Dear Hanna is a standalone sequel sure to thrill returning and new readers alike.

Zoje Stage 作者作品表

My UnderSlumberBumbleBeast (Paperback)

Dear Hanna (Hardcover)

Dear Hanna (Paperback)

Dear Hanna (MP3 CD)

Dear Hanna (Compact Disc)

Mothered ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

Getaway Lib/E (Compact Disc)

Wonderland (Hardcover)

eBook: Tejfogak (DRM EPUB)

Bad Apple (Paperback)

eBook: Bad Apple (DRM EPUB)

Bad Apple (Hardcover)

eBook: Baby Teeth: A Novel (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Girl Who Outgrew the World (DRM EPUB)

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