Dump Trucks (Paperback)
作者: Aaron Frisch 
書城編號: 27944117

原價: HK$110.00
現售: HK$104.5 節省: HK$5.5

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出版社: Creative Ed & Paperbacks
出版日期: 2024/08/13
重量: 0.09 kg
ISBN: 9781682773116

The world is full of marvels. Our comic-inspired beginning reader series explores diverse topics from animals to construction vehicles. Newly fluent readers will delight in up-close images and easy-to-read text while chuckling at the humorous speech bubbles. Labeled image guides and glossaries provide an engaging first experience with nonfiction.
Discover the world of dump trucks with this engaging beginner-level book. Packed with eye-catching photographs, comic-inspired speech bubbles and humor, and fun facts, young readers will learn about the design, functions, and working principles of these heavy hauling machines. A labeled-diagram guide enhances comprehension. Includes glossary, index, and suggested resources.
Aaron Frisch 作者作品表

Cranes (Paperback)

Dump Trucks (Paperback)

Diggers (Paperback)

Bulldozers (Paperback)

Camiones Volquete (Paperback)

Excavadoras (Paperback)

Grúas (Paperback)

Topadoras (Paperback)

Topadoras (Hardcover)

Grúas (Hardcover)

Bulldozers (Hardcover)

Camiones Volquete (Hardcover)

Cranes (Hardcover)

Excavadoras (Hardcover)

Dump Trucks (Hardcover)

Diggers (Hardcover)

Green Bay Packers (Revised) (Paperback)

Indianapolis Colts (Library Binding)

Dallas Cowboys (Library Binding)

Story of Nike (Hardcover)

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