Poverty (Paperback)
作者: Lisa M. Bolt Simons 
書城編號: 27944190

原價: HK$140.00
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出版社: Creative Ed & Paperbacks
出版日期: 2024/08/13
重量: 0.25 kg
ISBN: 9781682774601

The United States of America is a complex nation. At various times in its nearly 250-year history, the country's citizens have endured racism, poverty, and gun violence. They've been split apart and brought together by politics, news media, and ideas about what constitutes a basic human right. In this nonfiction series, early high schoolers will learn the history behind many social studies hot topics, including immigration, voting rights, and LGBTQ+ discrimination; how and why we continue to struggle today; and what's being done to improve those challenging aspects of living in America. Each title includes real-life profiles of people who are living the featured topic, factual sidebars, a glossary, and an index.
The United States is a very rich country, yet more than 40 million Americans lack economic stability and constant access to food, health care, and other resources. This nonfiction social studies title for young adults examines the history and effects of poverty in the nation, how it's measured, and how people of color have been especially affected. It explores Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal policies, Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty, and safety net assistance programs such as Social Security, unemployment insurance, SNAP, Medicare and Medicaid, CHIP, and the Affordable Care Act. Includes sidebars, a glossary, a timeline, and profiles of the Greenwood District founders of Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Lisa M. Bolt Simons 作者作品表

Super Surprising Trivia About Artificial Intelligence (Paperback)

Super Surprising Trivia About Ancient Civilizations (Paperback)

Curious about Martial Arts (Paperback)

Curiosidad Por El Ballet (Paperback)

Poverty (Paperback)

Examining Mass Shootings (Paperback)

Colosseum (Paperback)

Curiosidad Por Las Artes Marciales (Paperback)

Curiosidad Por El Lacrosse (Paperback)

Curious about Lacrosse (Paperback)

Curious about Ballet (Paperback)

El Coliseo (Paperback)

El Coliseo (Hardcover)

Curious about Ballet (Hardcover)

Curious about Martial Arts (Hardcover)

Curiosidad Por Las Artes Marciales (Hardcover)

Curiosidad Por El Ballet (Hardcover)

Examining Mass Shootings (Hardcover)

Curiosidad Por El Lacrosse (Hardcover)

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