Hold Me: A wallflower and rake small-town opposites attract virgin romantic comedy (Paperback)
作者: Tawna Fenske 
書城編號: 27952583

售價: $120.00

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出版社: Independently Published
出版日期: 2024/03/08
重量: 0.24 kg
ISBN: 9798880418411

Romeo. Boy Toy. Player. I've heard what they call me, and never gave it much thought.
Then Zoe walks in with her library smarts and innocent eyes and one helluva dirty idea.
I guess living in hospitals for two decades didn't leave much time for dating.
Or any kind of fun, really.
Zoe's a virgin with a bucket list, and guess who's on it?
No way am I satisfying her desires.
She's my boss's little sister-in-law, and besides.
I'm maxed out with my sick dad and a secret I'm not ready to share.
I'll help with the unsexy things on Zoe's list.
Problem is, everything from a foul-mouthed pinball machine to my dopey dog keep conspiring to push us together.
Even cooking class and an oddly sexy oil change lead straight to temptation.
Girls like Zoe don't end up with guys like me.
It's basic math even this high school dropout can do.
So how come I can't stay away?
One-click this laugh-out-loud steamy romance about a notorious ladies' man lending a hand (and ahem...other parts!) to help his boss's little sister ditch her v-card.
Tawna Fenske 作者作品表

Ask Me: An opposites-attract, small-town romantic comedy (Paperback)

Hold Me: A wallflower and rake small-town opposites attract virgin romantic comedy (Paperback)

Charm Me: A small-town, enemies-to-lovers, opposites-attract romantic comedy (Paperback)

Try Me: A small-town, opposites-attract, enemies-to-lovers romantic comedy (Paperback)

Honey Do (Paperback)

Eye Candy (Paperback)

Just for Show: A bad boy opposites attract romantic comedy (Paperback)

Killer Smile: An enemies to lovers small town romantic comedy (Paperback)

Killer Instincts: A best friend's little sister opposites attract romantic comedy (Paperback)

The Hook Up (MP3 CD)

The Hook Up (Compact Disc)

eBook: Best Kept Secret (DRM EPUB)

The Hang Up (MP3 CD)

The Hang Up (Compact Disc)

eBook: Regula celor doua intalniri (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Just a Little Bet (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Two-Date Rule (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Last (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Test (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Hook Up (DRM EPUB)

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