One of Our Kind ((Large Print)) (Paperback)
作者: Nicola Yoon 
書城編號: 27953838

原價: HK$300.00
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出版社: Random House Large Print
出版日期: 2024/06/11
重量: 0.39 kg
ISBN: 9780593946794

Get Out meets The Stepford Wives in #1 New York Times best-selling author Nicola Yoon's first adult novel - A terrifying and thought-provoking look at what it means to be truly free in America as a woman uncovers a secret about her new home in a utopian community

Jasmyn and King Williams move their family to the planned Black utopia of Liberty, California hoping to find a community of like-minded people, a place where their growing family can thrive. King settles in at once, embracing the Liberty ethos, including the luxe wellness center at the top of the hill, which proves to be the heart of the community. But Jasmyn struggles to find her place. She expected to find liberals and social justice activists striving for racial equality, but Liberty residents seem more focused on booking spa treatments and ignoring the world's troubles.

Jasmyn's only friends in the community are equally perplexed and frustrated by most residents' outlook. Then Jasmyn discovers a terrible secret about Liberty and its founders. Frustration turns to dread as their loved ones start embracing the Liberty way of life.

Will the truth destroy her world in ways she never could have imagined?

Thrilling with insightful social commentary, One of Our Kind explores the ways in which freedom is complicated by the presumptions we make about ourselves and each other.

Nicola Yoon 作者作品表

One of Our Kind (Hardcover)

One of Our Kind (Paperback)

eBook: One of Our Kind (DRM EPUB)

One of Our Kind (Hardcover)

One of Our Kind ((Large Print)) (Paperback)

eBook: One of Our Kind (DRM EPUB)

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Sun is also a Star (Paperback)

The Sun Is Also a Star (paperback)

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